Speed Or Accuracy?
We Give You Both.

Upgrade from Quickbooks to work smarter and faster. Take on more clients or add more higher-value strategic work.

Accounting That Scales

Cash for founders. Accruals for accountants. Everyone wins.
Verifiably accurate
Ensuring precision in financial insights
Collaboration tools to align
Fostering unity in financial strategies

Automation Reduces Costs, Increases Accuracy

Revenue recognition
Navigating the landscape of revenue recognition
Automated accrual schedules
Streamlining operations with automated accrual schedules
Real-time insights and trends
Real-time insights and trends for proactive decision-making
AI accuracy review
AI accuracy review for reliable financial performance

Built Native To A Modern Stack

Built native to a modern stack
Seamlessly integrate your preferred tools for an efficient business ecosystem
The security you deserve
Our commitment to prioritizing the protection of your data ensures a fortress of safety around your financial information
Flexibility for any edge case
Tailored solutions crafted to adapt and thrive in the face of unique business challenges
We Are Here To Support You
Our platform offers tailored accounting solutions to support you success.  From our CPAs on customer success, to private slack channels, to feature and feedback reviews, we are here to help.


Certified Puzzle Advisor training
Unlock the power of accounting transformation with certified puzzle advisor training
Accounting FAQs
Your ultimate guide to Frequently Asked Questions