Product update - November 2022
November 30, 2022

Product update - November 2022

Helen Chong
Growth @ Puzzle
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Featured update: Credit card recons!

Automatically drafted bank and credit card reconciliations

Your new favorite status indicator has been released.  Puzzle automatically drafts your bank and credit card reconciliations for you, and if we detect something is out of balance we let you know.  This gives you a real-time view of whether or not your books are missing any cash transactions.

New & improved

🚄 The entire reconciliation UX got a major overhaul

Make it faster and easier to do reconciliations, review reconciliations, edit reconciliations, and get your books closed faster.

🏎️💨 Improved experiences

We are constantly pushing out new features and improvements.  Here are some of our favorites from November…

  • Data Epoching
    More data control + more data flexibility.  We now give you the flexibility to choose data by accounts and by dates per integration.   You can see this option currently on the integration reconnection option from your dashboard.
  • Filter by vendor
    Want to see spend by vendor by month, or all the transactions for a specific vendor?  Now you can quickly search and filter by vendor.

We constantly ship new features and prioritize based on our customer's feedback. If you have ideas on how we can improve, please let us know.

The Puzzle Product Team

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