Introducing The New Puzzle Dashboard

So Much Data, So Little Time

Focus on Focus

Sifting through spreadsheets, jumping across tabs, and tracking down missing parentheses in complex formulas is maddening.

But when you finally hit enter and the formula executes, the chart displays, and the insights unfold before your eyes—it's pure enlightenment.

That’s why we built the Puzzle Dashboard in the first place, and it’s why we’re launching the next generation of insights today. It’s all part of our unwavering focus on… focus. That is to say: we build tools that help founders gain insights, spot trends, and sift through the latticed beehive of financial transactions to pull out the honey, in this case, your fundraising metrics.

Guidance is Good

We believe that good financial tools guide your eye so that you can spend less time wading through unstructured data, and more time making informed, high quality decisions about your business. There are a few reasons why guidance in accounting tools is so important.

Optimized Workflows

The best founders close their books every month. Why? Because financial statements provide visibility into their business that would otherwise go unseen. When you do something every month, it becomes a process, and the easier that process can be, the better. Standardizing your reporting method is the foundation for making that routine fast and repeatable.

Improved Decision Making

More data is good… but only if you do something with it. It’s like reading those novel-esque recipes your aunt posts online that start with the birth of her first-born child and end with the secret pinch of nutmeg after 14 minutes of doom scrolling. If you can’t find the list of key ingredients, you might botch the entire recipe.

Financial data is no different: many companies have thousands of transactions every month, but they need to identify the right money movement trends to inform their most important decisions.

Puzzle surfaces the most relevant information exactly when you need it most.

Better User Experience

We like good looking things. Sleek design makes outputs clearer, navigation smoother, and work easier. The New Puzzle Dashboard is reimagined to be easy on the eye as you capture an overview of the financial health of your company at a glance.

Introducing: The new Puzzle Dashboard

More charts. More trends. More data.

Check it out

This is BIG.

We spent a lot of time thinking about about how to pack even more information into the same real estate on the Puzzle homepage. There is always a delicate balance between showing more information and minimizing cognitive overload. That’s why now you’ve got 3 more charts to help you spot trends and deeper category breakdowns, all complimented by a minimalist design that simplifies the look and feel.

What’s New?

So much. Let’s cut to the chase — here’s what we’ve changed.

Cash, Net Burn, Runway, and Revenue

All four of these metric cards now showcase charts to help identify trends across financial data. The goal: more information! With this update, we envision the Puzzle Dashboard being core to your ‘Presidential Daily Brief’ as you sip a morning coffee and decide what requires your attention most.


Salaries are often the largest expense at startups, accounting for anywhere from 55 to 75% of total monthly spend at many startups. We’re introducing more granularity into the spend metric card by highlighting salary expenses independently.

How can I get started?

The new Puzzle Dashboard is live today for those who would like to join our Beta program. If you’re already a Puzzle user, just reach out to us in-app and we’ll setup your account. We’d love to get your feedback! If you’re on the Formation plan, you’ll see the Cash, Burn, and Runway cards with core metrics that update every day. Those on the Startup and Advanced plans will enjoy the entire set of reimagined charts, trend lines, and quantitative details that will help you make more informed decisions every single day.

For those of you who are new to Puzzle, you can schedule time to chat whenever you’d like by messaging us at or by booking a demo. What are you waiting for?!

What’s Next?

You get an insight! And you get an insight! And…

Admittedly, we’re pretty excited about the release of the new dashboard. It’s sexy, it’s sleek, it’s seriously fantasteek. It’s data-rich, it’s easy to use, and it’s just downright pretty.

There is plenty more coming your way in 2024. We’re doubling down on the world of revenue so you can be ready for that hockey stick growth. We’re also introducing more flexible reporting, customized administration and automation settings, and even more ways to track and understand your money on the Dashboard.

More on that soon!

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Kevin Dargatz
Head of Product Marketing

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