Product update - January 2022
January 31, 2022

Product update - January 2022

Helen Chong
Growth @ Puzzle
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New in January 2022

We shipped some exciting new features this month and as always, we are excited to share them with you. We love feedback, so please tell us know what else we can build for you at

Featured update: The founder Cash Activity Report

Understand (and trace) your startup’s burn, down to the penny.


Understanding cash, burn and runway are one of most stressful parts of running a startup.  What adds to this stress is that none of these are in a financial statement (profit and loss statement or balance sheet).  So we created an intuitive financial report called the Cash Activity Report, right on your dashboard, that lays out where your money is coming and going in an intuitive, clickable report. Get yours free right here.

New & improved

🦾 Puzzle is now 100% instantly generated

After testing with hundreds of startups and some magical, I mean manual, work behind the scenes, Puzzle is now 100% fully automated.  Within minutes of connecting your financial accounts (read-only) we draft your complete financial statements and reconciliations in real-time with our native integrations.  Connect and see instantly.  Check it out at

🛎️ Founder request: Visual burn explorer

If you think huge spreadsheets are overwhelming, you are in luck. Explore your burn in an interactive treemap, automatically sized and color coding so you know where your money is coming and going in the most intuitive way we could find.  Start exploring your burn here.

👥 Invite your cofounders (but only if you want)

Now you can invite cofounders, employees, bookkeepers on a new User Management section.  I feel like this is self explanatory, but let us know if you have any questions. Invite away here.

🏎️💨 Continuous automation improvements

We constantly push out small features to make your experience faster and easier, saving you time and money.  A few notable improvements:

  • People metrics - Get total headcount by department, average salary and fully loaded salary to help you with more accurate runway planning.
  • See your business your way. You can now add new charts of accounts in real-time, cause every business is different, and you know best.
  • Have multiple companies?  Now you can easily switch between them in a simple drop down menu in your side navigation, if you use the same email address.

As a reminder, Puzzle is modern accounting software for startups, designed to help startup founders and finance teams make accounting and finance their strategic advantage. If you have ideas on how we can improve, please let us know.

The Puzzle Product Team

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Thank you for being part of our Puzzle community. Stay tuned!
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